duminică, 12 februarie 2012

NaHaiWriMo - writing a haiku a day in February, 2012

raising my umbrella
golden apple branches
out of reach

                                             a capsized boat
                                             left between brambles -
                                             misty river

blue catfish skin -
taking a deep breath
in winter

                                             Sunday drizzle -
                                             the same lady bent with age
                                             passes by my window

twilight gathering -
only the darkest egg
left in its nest

                                             mourning -
                                             late husband's photo
                                             tilted on its frame

grandma stopped knitting -
my house bereft of lilac
for always

                                                milliner's shop -
                                                women head measures

blue jalopy
coated with ice -
Don Quixote's dream

                                              harsh winter -
                                              homemade bread smell
                                              fills the living room

starchy ribbons
in the girl's soft hair -
a daisy a day

                                             mountain roots -
                                             the earthworms dig
                                             their tunnels

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open book - leaves come and go from the story